Friday, December 27, 2013

The start of my mason jar collection and other various details that will make me seem like a spiritual hipster in 2014

As I'm writing this, clearly I'm a mess. I have a Skins UK inspired playlist (I was listening to "Songs to cry yourself to sleep" but I had to draw the line somewhere), reading through a haunting text chain and am sitting next to this scene while trying to be on "vacation" at home for Christmas:

Here is what happens when I want a glass of wine and a cookie, but I want milk with my cookie, and then I see rolls, and then I realize I should probs have some lemon water. And everything has to be in the theme of Christmas.

Basically I feel like I'm in a sad, but not Oscar worthy, drama. Or a diamond commercial. Maybe a depressing fragrance commercial? Fucking Dior.

Anyways, this year instead of having "resolutions" that I'll probably either forgot or just clearly not give two shits about come January 6th, I've decided to try something a bit different. Kinda. Yes, technically speaking they ARE resolutions to most people, but to me they're not. They're already things I love doing and usually do. My goal is to just simply do them. And do them consistently. Why? Because clearly they make me fucking happy and feel great, so why the hell not? I know that 2014 is going to be a roller coaster, so why not try to keep myself from jumping off the roller coaster when at the top of its highest peak before it plummets, and just try to maintain some sort of sanity in my life.'s my routine!
Also, if you're wondering, this Skins playlist just got REALLY bad.

  • Drink lemon water all damn day from mason jars that I keep stockpiled in my fridge. Why? I mean, I can sit here and say that it makes my skin glow, hair shiny, feels like a great detox, blah blah blah obnoxious health conscious shit, but in reality I just want to have a reason to consistently drink out of mason jars. 
  • I'm going to be obnoxious some more and discuss the importance of greens in my life. I love green food. Like this is real talk. Collards, kale, arugula, haricot verts (I didn't think I was going to get this obnoxious this early on), broccolini, brussels sprouts, etc. I don't get why people hate them. THEY'RE SO GOOD PEOPLE. And you know what I love more? Green smoothies! Why have I been not drinking them so much? They're a bitch to make. Seriously. Who wants to come home from work, workout, have to make dinner and then rip up kale, see that you're out of almond milk and have to improvise, cut up apples, piña, and all that jazz? Crazy people. However, I need to be that crazy person because they're so damn good. And even better when you put them in a mason jar and bring it to work and have everyone hate you because you're THAT person. Except they don't hate you when your smoothie is brown because you've put blueberries in it and it just ends up looking like poop. 
  • If there is anything that my time here in Wisconsin for Christmas has taught me this year, it's that I should probably keep exercising. I like it. I feel great. I look good. I'm just lazy sometimes (a lot). I will say, in all seriousness, that my whole workout mentally has totally shifted these past couple years from nothing to a shit ton thanks to two fabulously amazing girls that I would've never imagined would make me work out this much because I really hated them at first. And I'm going to keep them a secret for a bit longer because they're about to get insanely popular and I'm selfish. But back to what I'm supposed to be talking about, working out is important. Looking like a pregnant sad person when you're neither isn't a great look in pictures of your family reunion in Florida from two years ago. And the more I work out, the more I can justify buying more mason jars for water, smoothies and bringing salads to work. Like what I did there?
  • I love cooking. So I need to do it more. I Love that I'm turning into a "no processed food allowed" person. And then I can put leftovers in mason jars. Like tomato sauce! And to be quite honest, pretending like I'm Ina Garten and Nigella Lawson makes me happier than most things.
  • I need to expand my yoga practice. I got lazy towards the end of the year and holidays. My main instructor even told me that I've improved so much! And I can almost do a headstand! But I've appreciated this break. I feel like I can come back, go to class, want to die because I've lost all my flexibility, try not to fart some more, obsess over my new layer of Wisconsin belly fat that's getting in my way when I'm trying to twist (true fucking story), and just rock the shit out of it. And I want to do more than go to class in my awesome green studio where they encourage me to bring my mason jar of  lemon AND cucumber water. I should make it an actual practice. Do it at home, in the park, instagram pictures of me doing inversions at monuments like a boss. 
  • I've realized since graduating college that there are a lot of factors in my life that have prevented me from reading. I love reading. It's literally my life. And these past 3 or so years I get so busy, distracted and worry about making everyone else happy, that I've simply forgot one of the simplest pleasures of mine. A book. Can I put hot tea in mason jars? That would go well with reading. 
  • Lastly, I honestly and truly want to start meditating and reflecting. Seriously. I'm even considering spending my NYE bringing in the new year by meditating and pretending like I wrote Eat, Pray, Love (pretty sure that's how Liz Gilbert spent that an ashram India!). 
(Side note: The song I'm currently listening to on this Skins playlist just sang about mason jars. Fate? Clearly.)

But, really. Daily reflection of some sort is going to have to be a must. I cannot do what I've always done and simply go. I need to think about life, what I'm doing, what I'm thinking. I need to be grateful and realize the actual abundance that surrounds me. I want to wake up a little earlier every morning (oh gosh, anxiety attack is already hitting me about that) and just sit in silence, with water in my mason jar, and just enjoy the silence. I want to end every evening reflecting on what made me so happy that day and what I'm grateful for. I want to create my happiness. I want to be my happiness. I want to think about what I've learned, and what I want to learn. I want to give myself some damn attention for once.

And maybe get some more mason jars in the process...


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